If you have ever experienced morning sickness as a pregnant woman, it can be completely miserable. However, a recent study has shown that morning sickness can mean healthier babies with fewer birth defects and higher IQ’s. This is not to say that if you do not have morning sickness, that your baby will not be healthy.
Researchers from the University of Toronto in Canada and The Hospital for Sick Children have thoroughly reviewed 10 different studies looking at 850,000 women. In their research, they discovered that women with extreme nausea and vomiting during pregnancy had fewer miscarriages and gave birth to healthier babies. This study was published in the August 2014 issue of the Journal of Reproductive Toxicology.
The author of the study, Dr. Gideon Koren, says that “women with moderate to severe nausea and vomiting in pregnancy often experience major negative impact on their health and quality of life.” He also says that some women with severe morning sickness have even considered ending the pregnancy due to how bad they feel. This is a great study to help encourage one that may be feeling down due to the severe sickness.
Some of the findings concluded that 9.5% of women that did not experience morning sickness symptoms had premature births. Women that did suffer nausea and vomiting dropped to 6.4%. This research also found that women aged 35 and older who had severe morning sickness were less likely to have a miscarriage than ones that did not experience the sickness.
According to The National Institutes of Health, morning sickness is believed to be caused by a rapidly rising hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin which is released by the placenta. 85% of all pregnant women experience morning sickness.
If you are in need of pregnancy consultation, do not delay!! Call our offices in either Gainesville or Lake City to schedule an appointment today!
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