Three out of four women experience a yeast infection at some point in their lives. Because it is such a common issue, there are many over-the-counter (OTC) and natural treatments available. When you get a yeast infection, you might wonder if you should see a doctor or if you can just treat it home.
Learning about the sign and symptoms can help you decide whether to head to the convenience store or schedule an appointment with your gynecologist.
When to Call the Doctor
If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms from a yeast infection, you should call your doctor right away:
- Lower abdominal pain. This could mean you’re dealing with a more serious issue.
- Pregnancy. If you’re pregnant, it’s important to make sure the yeast infection treatment you’re using is safe, so always check with your doctor before using anything over-the-counter.
- Frequent yeast infections. If you have several yeast infections (more than four per year), schedule a time to speak with your doctor and get checked out. You could have another problem that needs to be taken care of.
- Home treatment not working. If your infection continues after a week or longer of using OTC medication, it’s time to call your doctor.
Treating Your Yeast Infection at Home
Here are some ways you can treat your yeast infection and also prevent another in the future:
- Apply vaginal creams. The most popular and effective way to get rid of a yeast infection is to use an OTC vaginal cream. Most creams require application for 1 to 7 days, depending on the dosage strength.
- Increase probiotics. Putting some good bacteria into your system can help to fight off the excess yeast and prevent future infections from occurring. Specifically, look for yogurt or capsules containing lactobacillus acidophilus.
- Avoid sugar. Yeast feeds on sugar, so if you are prone to yeast infections or already have one, cutting back your sugar and carb intake can help keep the yeast at bay.
Some other home remedies that have been known to help include: garlic, apple cider vinegar and coconut oil. These foods contain natural antibiotic and antifungal properties that can clear up infection.
If this is the first time you’ve had a yeast infection or if you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to contact your general practitioner or women’s health doctor and schedule an appointment.
Our dedicated staff at All About Women in Gainesville and Lake City, Florida are here to help you through whatever women’s health issue you may be dealing with, so call for an appointment today.